Friends of Toll Bar Primary School
We are always looking for new members, ideas for fundraising etc. If you are interested in joining or finding out more information please see the office staff.
Message from Friends of Toll Bar Primary School
Thank you for your support, we are always looking for new members, ideas for fundraising etc. Over the past 12
Thank you once again.
Purpose of the fund
The Toll Bar Primary School Voluntary Fund will be constituted to advance the education provided by the school.
The school fund exists to provide additional materials, books and equipment and to finance opportunities to enhance the learning experiences of children. The fund is used to provide items over and above those provided for through the school’s delegated budget.
Expenditure may be used for the following purposes:
Subsidy of school educational visits
Refreshments for children’s parties
Fund raising activities (e.g raffles)-
Classroom materials and equipment
Lunchtime games/toys, children’s entertainment
The official title of the school fund is Toll Bar Primary School fund.
The fund is administered by Leanne Kelly, who holds the position of School Business Manager at the school.
The day to day management of the fund is the responsibility of the
A Fund Committee exists as part of the responsibilities of the Resources Committee, comprising the Headteacher, senior staff and a Governor, to decide on spending priorities and
For expenditure under £5000, the agreement of the Headteacher is sufficient. For purchases over £5000 but under £10,000, the approval of the Fund Committee must be obtained whereas purchases over £10,000, the approval of the Governing Body must be obtained.
The school fund is banked with Santander Bank Current Account. Cheque signatories are the Headteacher, Deputy, Assistant Head and School Business Manager, two from four must be used.
The fund has a financial year end of 31st August. Annually, a summary of income and expenditure, and a statement of
The financial statements are audited by Linda Bent, who is an independent person with a financial background. She is considered to be a suitable person to audit the fund, having regard to the nature and complexity of it.
Audited accounts are presented to the Governing Body each year for formal approval, in accordance with the Doncaster Scheme for Financing Schools.